5 – Mercury

5 – Mercury


This bottle links to Gemini : movement, communication and versatility. It relates to those who are mercurial, quick-minded, with a sense of feeling that is swifter than logic. Begin to be the magician; the old pattern of being the trickster no longer serves you. All has to be upfront and clear in your dealings. The number five relates to issues of discipline and freedom and the colour green signifies change and new beginnings. This bottle is about letting go of all the masks: everything that you have used to hide behind has to be removed. The truth about your magnificence has to be told clearly, and if any part of you still wants to hide, it will make life quite difficult. The answer to the dilemma that these colours present is to be constantly aware of what makes you feel small and to change that. This is your time. You can only be free by being honest with yourself.

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