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Blue is Acquisitive and its element is water – In the blue we try to acquire things and this comes from the initial belief that there is not enough. So a blue child would maybe not have had enough food and personal nourishment so the body responded with the neediness for more. Blue people sit with feet and bodies turned in and acquire people and things. The lesson in blue is faith – because when you believe you are enough and there is enough, you can let it go and go with the flow.

If you would like to learn more about your own specific soul path colours and its lessons then book a reading with me here.

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I have really enjoyed my colour sessions with Kath so far. The colour healing never fails to exactly pinpoint the deep subconscious patterning, which needs to be cleared. This combined with Kath’s extensive knowledge of energy healing amazing intuition and ability to make this work fun have already created rapid results in my personal development. I now feel more self-empowered and connected to my true self. I would not hesitate to highly recommend Kath to anyone seeking personal transformation.
— Kristina, London

“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.”

-  Rainer Maria Rilke

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